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Prizewinner in „Land der Ideen“

Prizewinner in „Land der Ideen“

Awards and Partners

Granny Aupair considers itself a part of the worldwide campaigns and initiatives for active ageing and living a full life 50plus! We are proud that our commitment has been honored and we are a powerful partner within networks that share our goals and ideals.

Unser Partner Mum Abroad

Mum Abroad is a platform for women, who live abroad in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. Here they find countless helpful tips for for all circumstances, they can connect and exchange experiences and information.

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Leuchtturm-Projekt by ConSensus

The Deutsche Bank, Factory, Google and Shell have launched the Berlin Innovation ConSensus as organizers. In addition you can find a network of ambassadors – from Ashoka  to D21 up to „MINT Zukunft schaffen“ . Granny Aupair  was honoured as a lighthouse project. The ConSensus experts appraised Granny Aupair as especially innovative and pioneering.



Topic mentor in citizens’ dialogue

Granny Aupair was topic mentor in the citizens’ dialogue “Demographic Change” of the Federal Minister for Education and Research and mentored the topic “Living together”.

Homepage of ministery


Chosen Landmark in the “Land of Ideas 2012”

Granny Aupair is a “Chosen Landmark 2012” in the Land of Ideas. With that we rank among the award winners of “365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas”, a competition that is organized by the federal initiative “Deutschland – Land der Ideen” (Germany – Land of Ideas) in cooperation with Deutsche Bank. Every year the initiative under the patronage of the Federal President and Deutsche Bank awards a prize to 365 outstanding projects and ideas, which contribute to ensuring Germany’s viability. As an award winner Granny Aupair is ambassador for the “Land of Ideas” in 2012 and represents Germany’s innovative potential.



European Year for Active Ageing

2012 was the „European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity among the Generations“. Granny Aupair is part of this initiative. In May 2012 we presented our vision of active ageing at the Open Day of the European Commission in Brussels.

Cooperation with the „crossculture academy“

Granny Aupair has a cooperation for intercultural learning with the „crossculture academy“. The „crossculture academy“ offers a training exclusively for our Grannies, where the future au pair grannies learn, what is good to know about the culture of their host country.

German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Granny Aupair is partner of the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Australien). The AHK Australien has introduced a new job portal, which also features Granny Aupair.

Honoured by the conference „Ethics and Travel“

At the conference „Ethics and Travel“ held at the Institute for Cultural Entrepreneurship of the Freie Universität Berlin, Michaela Hansen was awarded with a prize for Granny Aupair.



The German Association of Organizations for Seniors

The German Association of Organizations for Seniors (BAGSO) supports our efforts against age discrimination. In a press release the association states: “It is equally important to ensure a wide publicity-effect of the adopted measures. We have only just begun to detect and denounce discriminating and mostly pointless age limits. Such age limits can be found in laws, statutes and even in bilateral agreements, e.g. when issuing a visa for an au-pair. The Hamburg Organization Granny Aupair rightly laments that this means setting unnecessary hurdles for the involvement of seniors. It is about time that we made it perfectly clear: Elderly persons are needed – in fact everywhere. Therefore: We need a working Anti-Discrimination Office, that supports the work of the people concerned and their lobbies.”