Senior Citizens Abroad
Our philosophy
And our families profit from the „more“ of experience our Grannies bring with them. They ease the daily life of our families, give love and comfort We connect people worldwide who otherwise would have never met.
As a Granny you live with a family or work on a social project and you are integrated into the daily life of a foreign culture. Language barriers, different customs and mentalities must be mastered mutually. But the challenge also provides the opportunity to develop and learn something new about yourself!
Granny Aupair Principles
Dear Granny Aupair Community,
In the course of more than a decade, we have been part of many incredible stories: wonderful, exciting, harmonious and sometimes also misunderstanding or difficult situations, as they can always happen when strangers meet. But a few principles have consistently proven their worth, and we would like to share them with you all:
* We treat each other with respect, honesty and trust.
* As a family, we treat our Granny like a member of the family.
* As a Granny, I am a reliable help, who is open and tolerant and gets involved with the new family and its structures.
* We answer all contact requests and emails promptly.
* We keep the details (such as possible arrival date etc.) in our profile up to date.