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Holde (64), as Granny Aupair in Australia und Kenia

„I became a member of the family very quickly“!

„Just before becoming a pensioner in 2011, I read a report about Granny Aupair in the paper. I knew at once that it was for me, I applied immediately and found my first host family after just two months. I flew to Australia with butterflies in my stomach. I remember exactly the first day I saw my Australian family. Everything was perfect. I became a member of the family very quickly. The mother and I had a relationship practically like mother and daughter. I haven’t regretted this step for a second and will certainly try it once again. I was able to give a lot, but also received much in return.

Following nine months at home, I became restless once again and registered at Granny Aupair once more. This time it only took four weeks until I received the positive answer from my new family in Nairobi. I also spent a wonderful time there. The mother, a lovely, fiery Italian, little Anita, the sweetest baby imaginable and the father contributed a lot to making me feel at home. I visited an English course at a language school and met many young nice people from all over the world.

It was very difficult to say goodbye to this wonderful family. My time as a Granny has made me stronger and more self-confident. I am beginning to love this age, it gives me so much freedom. I am sure this wasn’t my last trip. I would like to share my experiences to encourage other older women, to try out something.“