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Granny Evelyn's greetings from Shanghai

"I am totally happy"

Hello dear Granny Aupair-team,

Many greetings from Shanghai, the "Paris of the East".
With great pleasure I am now moving into this for us totally foreign world, this time for six months, excluding the Christmas holidays.
Shanghai is worth more than ONE trip.

This city is quicksilver, exciting, modern and old.

It has an abundance of faces, loud and silent, clean and dirty, poor and rich.
Plus murderous traffic with a thousand honking two wheelers and if one as a pedestrian has understood that a green light does not mean " safe crossing" at all, you stop jumping in fright all the time.
The Chinese people are hardly to be surpassed in their amiability and their willingness to help.
The ceremony of a buddhist temple service is an uncomparable experience-

I am also totally overwhelmed by the Pudong skyline, especially in the evening when the lights go on. I have never seen anything more beautiful.
And to see the Formula 1 Grand Prix up close I just had to travel to Shanghai....

Sophia is now in class 3 in the German School in Pudong.
She has developed really well and has become even more independent. We have a lot of fund together and are now a good team.
When I flew home in May with smiles and tears I was sure that I would return one day.

ANd now I am here again and totally happy-

What you have "caused" with your website is absolutely priceless.

Thank you a thousand times!

Lots of loving greetings from Evelyn and Sophia.