Hello dear Granny-Aupairteam in Hamburg,
now I want to send you a few warm greetings from America with the best experiences I could undergo in the last months !!! This time last year I was not really sure if I should start this adventure as a Granny Aupair.
You have to have a certain amount of courage and inner willingness to overcome one's weaker self to take these steps.
Eventually your workshop and especially your great book fascinated me so much that there were no holds barred any more.
I quickly compiled my profile, it was made accessible and my adventure began.....Kurzerhand habe ich mein Profil erstellt, es wurde freigestellt und mein Abenteuer begann...
A family of five from California contacted me (even though America was not really on my list of favourites) and we got on very well from the first Skype talk :-)) The flights were booked an an English course taken (I should have started two years earlier!!).
Im März ging mein Flug über den großen Teich nach Kalifornien.
Die Eindrücke, die mich von diesem Moment an so emotional beeindruckt haben, waren unbeschreiblich.
In March my flight crossed the " big pond" to California. The impressons that impressed me so emotionally from this moment onward were incredible.
My lovely host family with their enchanting children and the family dog Willy were very likeable from the beginning.
My job was solely to speak German with the children, to drive the older ones to school and to their afternoon activities.
I spent most of my time with the youngest and the large dog was happy about every walk.
I lived in my own poolhouse, it was very large and with a comfortable interior. It was like paradise.
San Francisco was not far away and a fascinating city for me.
As a resumee I can say that it was such an indescribably lovely experience to travel to America as a Granny Aupair, with new interesting tasks given to me.
It was pure pleasure to have dared to take this step in my life!
....THANK YOU for your fanstatic organisation .......