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Newsletter Grannies -The „Wanderlust“ gene

Newsletter Grannies -The „Wanderlust“ gene

Newsletter Grannies - The „Wanderlust“ gene

Dear Ladies,

Do you have the “wanderlust” gene? Seriously – a couple of years ago, scientists discovered exactly this gene! According to various researchers, carriers of the wanderlust gene, more precisely the DRD4-7R. gene, are said to be particularly curious and restless. In addition, they are more willing to take risks and more interested in trying out new things than other people. One of their most favourite things: Discovering new countries and cultures on holiday, seeing something new at least for a few weeks of the year and escaping from everyday life.

It is said that around 20 percent of the population are carriers of the DRD4-7R gene. And we are sure that many of our Granny Aupairs also possess this gene! And even if not: Wanderlust knows no age! And so not only spring chickens can benefit from the au pair idea, but experienced women from the age of 45 as well. As a temporary Granny, they share the joys of everyday life and are the person to go to for the small worries and needs of the youngest. Or would you rather help in a social project as a Granny Aupair? As a volunteer you support the poorest people in the world with your expertise and commitment. Today we would like to awaken your wanderlust and introduce you to three families from our online community, who are looking forward to their new temporary Grandma sooner or later.

Very best wishes from

Your Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair-Team


Urgently looking for a Granny in Bonnie Scotland 

Ancient kingdom with fishing villages, magnificent castles and stunning countryside  - the region of Fife on Scotland’s East Coast has loads to discover. In Newport on Tay – just opposite the town of Dundee on the other side of  the river Tay, a surgeons‘ family of five (user name Franhk) with 2 girls, 6 and 3 and boy, 1, plus guinea pigs would like to welcome a kind and experienced temporary Granny with driving license, ideally as from the end of May. 

The older girl goes to school until 15:00, the younger girl will start school in August and the little boy nursery. A lovely room in a large house in the outskirts is waiting for the Granny. The travel costs will be taken over in full.

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The Heart of the States

The White House, the Capitol, exciting museums and beautiful park landscapes - you can discover all this in Washington D.C..  In the exciting American capital a small family (Mama and boy,4, and girl, 1) with the user name kmattey is looking for a loving, flexible, fit temporary Granny as from Mid-August.

The little boy, Charlie, goes to pre-school until the late afternoon, the little girl, Ivy, will be starting nursery half days as from August, so the Granny would have enough time to explore the fascinating capital and/or visit a language course. A nice room with a private bath in a house in the suburbs is made available for the Granny. The travel costs will be taken over in part.

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Beautiful Bavaria

Located 30 kilometres from Bavaria’s beautiful capital Munich, which is easily accessed by public transport, the small town of Grafing lies between the rivers Isar and Inn, nestled in the gently rolling landscape of the Alpine foothills.

Here a doctor’s family of four (user name
Vanessa) with a 3 year old girl and a 7 month old baby boy is looking for a warmhearted and toddlerexperienced Granny Aupair, to support the parents a bit, as the little ones‘ grandparents live far away. Little Ella is in kindergarten until 14:00 and little Julian will be going to a creche in the mornings as from October. A lovely large room with private bath is waiting for the Granny.    

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Our Tip:

Our tip: The best thing to do is to be inspired by everything on offer! Don't pay so much attention to the individual country. In the end, the people you go to are more important. Once you have made a contact request, you might need a bit of patience. It often takes a few days or even weeks for families to get back to you.

The families are very busy or even collect a few requests first before they reply.