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Granny Marion sends greetings from Kigali in Rwanda

"It is simply a different world from what I have known so far."

A sunny MURAHO (Kinyarwanda, one of the 4 national languages) to Hamburg,

After a good 3 weeks I finally want to report how great everything is here.

To be honest, I was a bit nervous before leaving. Central Africa was a big unknown for me, with lots of question marks. The family allayed some concerns beforehand, but still, I was totally excited. But it didn't help, I had agreed to go, so we started as planned. By the way, I am the first Granny in Kigali ;)), right?

Arrived here and after 3 weeks of experience, all concerns were dispelled. The family was really helpful and understanding as it took a few days of acclimatisation. I was just amazed. It is quite simply a different world from what I have known so far.

There was no pressure and everything came together calmly. The tasks are similar and manageable, just like in the other countries. I was warmly welcomed into the family and things are going very well with the children (boys, 3 and 8 years old).

The biggest challenge for me was getting into THIS traffic. At first it was a shock to see how it is on the streets, but you "feel your way in". Actually, there is only one rule: everything flows, however, go, go go! In fact, everyone drives considerately even if it doesn't look like it. In the meantime, it's even fun and now I even dare to get on the "motocycles" during my excursions. Even for having to jump over my shadow now and then, I do this wonderful job.

This weekend we will go on our first excursion and have rented a room in a great resort outside Kigali. And if the opportunity arises, I would like to do some more trips in this wonderful country. But first we have some tasks ahead of us, e.g. moving within Kigali, designing a garden and so on. It will not be boring.

MURABEO, Ni byiza, (Bye, it's going well)

Best regards



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