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Newsletter Families - Balancing Job and Family Life – get support from Granny Aupair

Newsletter Families - Balancing Job and Family Life – get support from Granny Aupair

Newsletter Families - Balancing Job and Family Life – get support from Granny Aupair

Dear Families,

when both the children and your job are demanding attention,  parents know full well that there can't be enough hours in the day. It takes a lot of skill and organisational talent to combine both important areas of life in such a way that no one misses out. How would you like to have a few helping hands to give you a bit of support with all the tasks at home, especially if your own parents live far away.  

A Granny Aupair can help with young families' time management.  She has voluntary made the choice to help with childcare. Often women of a certain age are waiting for grandchildren, but these haven’t materialized yet. So why not use the free time and energy to support other families. It's great for the kids: the Granny has time and listens, tells stories and plays, does handicrafts, bakes, sings, paints and has lots of fun ideas. The little ones learn a lot without getting bored, for example practising their mother tongue or second language with the Granny. And the parents benefit all the more from this arrangement.

At the moment, around 70 Grannies among others from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and South Africa, are looking for a nice family to support with their life experience and verve. We are introducing you to two Grannies who would like to help a family in the near future or next year below. In addition to these, you will find many more Grannies in our online community

Best wishes

from your Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair-Team



Open and warm-hearted: Granny Petra

Granny Petra (user name: Winterblume) is very much looking forward to helping a family in an English-speaking country from mid-March. The 55-year-old qualified educationalist is a good cook, enjoys playing games and reading aloud and likes to be outdoors. The mother of two grown-up sons is curious to become part of an open-minded and friendly family. She would also like to take a language course to improve her English skills.

In her profile she writes: "I would like to support the family in their daily life through my work, but also have enough freedom to attend a language course. It is important to me that we live together in harmony and that I can integrate well into the family, that the children like me and enjoy working with me.”

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Creative and empathic: Granny Elke

Granny Elke (user name: Elschi) would also like to support a family with advice and assistance as a Granny Aupair or companion, also preferably in an Englishspeaking environment as from January 2022. The 63 year old former teacher for German and sports has a lot of hobbies, among others painting, reading, healthy cooking and baking, photography, sewing, yoga and jogging and is also a talented craftswoman. In addition she is a certified fitness trainer, health advisor and yoga teacher.

The mother of adult children is looking forward to increasing her English skills. In her profile she writes: “I am happy to help others because I believe in karma ("You reap what you sow.") - respectful togetherness - balance in giving and taking - getting to know the country, people and culture (also food culture)."

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Please bear in mind that our Granny Aupairs need a little more advance notice than a young au pair, because they have to arrange a lot more for their stay than a "young whippersnapper", where the parents still look after the "house and home". Of course, there are also Grannies who can spontaneously drop everything to arrive. 
In general, however, it is advisable to look for a Granny Aupair in good time so that both sides have enough time to prepare.



Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h