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Newsletter - Positive Thoughts

Newsletter - Positive Thoughts

Newsletter - Positive Thoughts

Dear families, dear Grannies,  

in times like these, we would like to send some positive thoughts around the world. As you may know, Granny Aupair is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2020. In these ten years so many wonderful things have happened and beautiful friendships between Grannies and families have developed and we would like to review some of them here.

What started off with the first Granny-family in Canada quickly expanded around the world. In the meantime, several thousand Granny Aupairs have travelled to more than 50 countries. In addition to popular countries such as the USA, Australia, and many European countries, favourite Granny destinations include China, especially Shanghai, and South Africa. But also exotic small countries and destinations such as Taiwan, La Réunion, Martinique, Jamaica, Rwanda, Chile, to name but a few, are on the long list of "Granny countries". During this long period of time we have received many comments and feedback from Grannies and also from families who write about their experiences around the world. We have selected a few for you...


“I became a member of the family very quickly“!

Thus Holde, one of the Grannies from the beginning, tells us: Just before becoming a pensioner in 2011, I read a report about Granny Aupair in the paper. I knew at once that it was for me, I applied immediately and found my first host family after just two months. I flew to Australia with butterflies in my stomach. I remember exactly the first day I saw my Australian family. Everything was perfect. I became a member of the family very quickly. The mother and I had a relationship practically like mother and daughter. I haven’t regretted this step for a second and will certainly try it once again. I was able to give a lot, but also received much in return.

Following nine months at home, I became restless once again and registered at Granny Aupair once more. This time it only took four weeks until I received the positive answer from my new family in Nairobi. I also spent a wonderful time there. The mother, a lovely, fiery Italian, little Anita, the sweetest baby imaginable and the father contributed a lot to making me feel at home. I visited an English course at a language school and met many young nice people from all over the world.

It was very difficult to say goodbye to this wonderful family. My time as a Granny has made me stronger and more self-confident. I am beginning to love this age, it gives me so much freedom. I am sure this wasn’t my last trip. I would like to share my experiences to encourage other older women, to try out something.“


“It was love at first sight between the boys and me"

And in the year of Granny Aupair’s fifth anniversary 2015, Granny Charlotte for instance wrote to us about her time in Dublin:  "A short time after my becoming a member at Granny Aupair I discovered a family in Ireland on the website. As Ireland is my “dream destination” I hoped to hear from this family. Shortly afterwards I received a query from the family if I would like to look after their twins, two 20 month year old boys for three months. After a long phone call with their father, I was sure that I would like to go to the family in Dublin. Naturally I had a few doubts about my knowledge of English.

I flew to Dublin on January 7th and was welcomed and received so sincerely by the family that all my misgivings concerning the language disappeared. The best and most important for me was that the little twins accepted me from the start and welcomed me with charming smiles. Yes it was love at first sight between the boys and me. It was so lovely to experience how the children learned something new every day and see them developing. As the little ones are being brought up trilingually, I was supposed to speak German to them, which made it easier for me.

My job was mainly to look after the twins, which gave me great pleasure. I was completely integrated in the family and felt very well there. It was a great enrichment and a happy time I spent there, where I have also made dear new friends. I also felt really well in Dublin, visited museums, galleries, cafes and concerts in my leisure time and took a few trips to the coast.

Soon I will be visiting the family again and am looking forward so much to seeing my little boys again and to take them into my arms. 



"We have had several Grannies in the past years"

We have also received positive feedback from many families like this one from the USA:

“It has been a great experience so far. We have had several Grannies over the last two years, and two of them have come back for a second stay. The children are really happy when a Granny comes again. We also had a "Granny Reunion" in Frankfurt in July this year with our family, my mother, and four grannies. It was wonderful to see all of them together!“

By the way, more than 60 families and more than 70 Grannies are currently still looking for their Granny or host family - for later in the year or next year.

So please take a look! Maybe you can already find the right one for you?

Very best wishes

Your Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair-Team


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Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h