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Newsletter - All the best for Mother – and Father’s Day

Newsletter - All the best for Mother – and Father’s Day

Newsletter - All the best for Mother – and Father’s Day


All the best for Mother – and Father’s Day

Dear Family, dear Granny,

this year the first week in May is very special: As in Germany Father’s as well as Mother’s Day will be celebrated in the same week (5th and 8th of May). As close as both dates are together this year, the differences between the two could not be greater: Where as Mama traditionally is spoilt with a sumptuous breakfast in bed and a huge bunch of flowers on her day of glory, the German Daddies prefer an outing with their fellow men and a handcart on their feast day.

Both days have one thing in common: On the parents‘ days the most important thing is to spend time with your loved ones. To celebrate these special days we are giving  

                                                 15 percent discount* 

on all memberships, which are completed between May 4th and 11th. You can see how it works below.

At the moment around 80 Grannies among others from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Australia are looking for a nice family to support. And around 60 families from all around the world would love to have a loving temporary Granny to help them out with heart and hand.

We wish all Granny Aupairs and families a wonderful Mother’s and Father’s Day (even if they may be on different dates!)

Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair Team





This is how it works:

If you register at Granny Aupair between May 4th and 11th, you will receive 15 percent* on each chosen regular membership, saving nearly 55 Euros on the twelve month membership for instance. Your membership begins with the day of receipt of payment.

Just enter the code


in the voucher field when completing a membership up to May 11th. Or just deduct 15% from your chosen membership amount and transfer it onto our bank account, stating the “Mama&Papa” code: 

Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE91200505501011221551
Account holder: Granny Aupair

*Please understand that this discount is not combinable with other discounts or promotions.


 Become a member now and save 15%


Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h