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Newsletter Grannies - Your New Year’s Resolution – Travelling the world as a Granny Aupair

Newsletter Grannies - Your New Year’s Resolution – Travelling the world as a Granny Aupair

Newsletter Grannies - Your New Year’s Resolution – Travelling the world as a Granny Aupair

Dear Ladies,

2019 is still quite new and there is still time to dedicate yourself to New Year resolutions with verve. Every year we make new resolutions on New Year's Eve: More sport, healthier food, more time for friends and family. Have you perhaps  made a resolution already? Maybe to break out of the daily routine – for instance by spending time with another family in a foreign country? Don't postpone your plans. Take advantage of the New Year’s momentum! Because if you want to change old habits, you have to do something about it. 

So how do you manage to keep up a good resolution? According to Frank Wieber, a psychologist at the University of Constance, this should be achieved by setting a specific goal for a specific period of time and imagining the best results, should this goal be fulfilled. In a third step, you think about what could stop you. Then you decide how to react to these obstacles.

And if you want to put your good intentions into practice quickly: Many of our families would like to welcome a loving temporary Granny as a new family member who can enrich their everyday family life with her life experience very soon. We are introducing you to a couple of them below. You can find more families from all over the world on our long list of searching families 

We wish you lots of pleasure with all your projects for 2019!

With the best wishes for the New Year 

 your Michaela Hansen und your Granny Aupair-Team


Historical Emerald Isle  

Unique history and culture spanning centuries awaits you in County Tipperary in the south of Ireland. One of the Emerald Isle’s most famous regions it offers beautiful walled towns, historical castles and countless glens and vales to be discovered. Here in the small village near the towns of Cahir and Clonmell and the Comeragh and Knockmealdown Mountains a soon to be family of three (user name Annemarie Dineen), who are expecting their first child, a little boy, in February is looking forward to welcoming a temporary grandmother to support them in the first year with the baby as from the end of February for six months (or more). The Granny should speak good English, have a driving license and not mind helping in the household. The mother is hoping to get extended maternity leave for the time. A lovely room with private bath in a large house in rural surroundings near mountains is waiting for the Granny. The travel costs will be taken over completely.  

Find out more 
Please log in using the login-button above right on our website.


California Dreamin‘

Natural landmarks, the thundering Pacific and the Golden Gate Bridge, plus all the other fantastic sights San Francisco has to offer, including a park spanning more than 1,000 acres and the masses of art and culture is waiting for you! Here in this exciting Californian city a small granny experienced family (user name beanchips) with a one year old boy is looking for their next open and flexible Granny Aupair as soon as possible. The mother works part time, mostly from home, so that the Granny would have enough time to explore the wonderful surroundings or visit a language course. A large room with private bath in a roomy flat South East of the city centre will be placed at the Granny’s disposal. The travel costs will be taken over in part. 

Find out more 
Please log in using the login-button above right on our website.  


Namibian Wildlife Reserve 

Your fill of sun, safari-idyll and colonial history – Namibia is a country of contrasts. This multifaceted region on the West coast of Africa is known among others for its panoramic views, its deserts and its easy access to wildlife. 

On a lodge in a reserve 180 kilometres from Windhoek in the Kalahari region an international family of four (user name nichola) with two sons (4 and 1 years old) is looking for a loving temporary Granny, who is also fond of animals, as from May for about three months. The parents need some support with looking after their sons, as they are busy running the things on the reserve. A nice room with private bath is available for the Granny. 

Find out more 
Please log in using the login-button above right on our website.   


ClIck here to find your „Dream-Family“


Granny Birthe –one of our “repeat performers”:  “Let's see where my next Granny mission will take me!”

Several thousand Grannies have already travelled to over 50 countries, around 40% have been “on the road” more than once - like Granny Birthe: “My first Granny stay took me to Scotland in winter. It was a great experience, a nice family with three small children and cold. Next came the call from a host family in the warm Phoenix, Arizona.  They were looking for support for their two boys (2,5 and 7 years). We quickly came to an agreement via Skype and I flew off with light luggage - at the temperatures in my host country you only needed shorts and tops. I was lovingly welcomed by “my” family and immersed in everyday life in America. All the clichés were fulfilled for me. Picking up the older son from the yellow school bus, daily driving on the five-lane highway, trips into the great outdoors, campfires with marshmallows, pancakes for breakfast and so on. At “half time” I travelled three days to Las Vegas and to the Grand Canyon on my own. More about Granny Birthe's experiences as a Granny Aupair as well as other testimonials can be found here 

And we also would look forward to hearing from you after your time as a Granny Aupair!


Becoming a Granny Aupair is totally easy – this is how it works:

·  Register  free of charge

As a subscriber to our newsletter you are already registered for free. You can log into the secure area and browse through the profiles of our families with no further obligation.

·  Become a member

As a member of Granny Aupair you can then get in contact with other members. For this purpose you just click on the “Become a member” button in our community-section and pay your membership fee easily by PayPal or bank transfer. Tip: Upon payment with PayPal your profile is activated straight away and you can contact our Families & co. immediately. 

·  Finding your way abroad

As a member of Granny Aupair you can now get in touch with the families and co. They can then also view your profile and contact you. You decide who may see your contact details. Write, phone or skype in detail with the families who are on your short list. Maybe you can also organize an introductory meeting. Get to know each other thoroughly and discuss the precise arrangements of your stay (accommodation, responsibilities and daily routine, coverage of travel costs, pocket money etc.). Is the chemistry right? Then get your things together and you’re off!


Become a Granny Aupair member and discover the world


Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h