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Barbara, as Granny Aupair in Australia

„I feel set back by 30 years and younger!“

„I have been in Blackstone with a very nice German family with two children, aged two and four since May 2nd.  Everything is as described and we hit it off immediately. I feel set back by about 30 years and younger! – Mrs Christiane Wagner – is interviewing me regularly by phone. You can look up the features on their website. I am really thrilled by Australia. At the moment I am travelling from Brisbane to Sydney by train, by plane from there to Alice, by bus to Kings Canon and to Ayers Rock. Today I am going on with the Ghan to Adelaide and then by the Indian Pacific back to Sydney and Brisbane. I am so happy that I am able to experience this all. When I have to say my farewell in January it won’t  be easy!”