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Newsletter: How to find your Granny - Tips from the Granny Aupair-Team

Newsletter: How to find your Granny - Tips from the Granny Aupair-Team

Newsletter: How to find your Granny - Tips from the Granny Aupair-Team

Dear parents,

We are really pleased – as the Granny Aupair community is growing steadily! Especially in the last few days we were able to welcome many new members – Grannies and Families. The fresh new year is seemingly bringing the necessary momentum to approach enterprises with gusto.

To enable you to quickly find your ideal Granny, we want to give you some useful tips, which we were able to collect due to our experience of the last five years:

  1.     Take time for your search. After all you will be making an important decision.
  2.     The best thing is to take a thorough look at all our Grannies.
  3.     If you find Grannies interesting, but their specifications like length of stay and arrival date do not match your wishes, contact them anyway. A lot of things are negotiable and asking questions doesn’t cost anything!
  4.     As long as the Grannies’ profiles are visible you can contact them, even if some specifications seem to be dated.
  5.     When you have received a contact request from Grannies please try and answer as soon as possible. The ladies are often quite excited and thus rather impatient.
  6.     Search with heart and mind – before agreeing to a Granny’s coming, you should be clear about some of the details and conditions about your time together. Thus there will be no surprises later on and both sides will know, what they are getting into. For advice also see
  7.     Offer your Granny something! In addition to free board and lodging you can make your Granny very happy with charming additional incentives like taking over the travel costs or part of them, financing a language course or an invitation to a lovely meal together, a weekend trip or a holiday.
  8.     Last but not least: Please bear in mind, our Grannies are not a replacement home help. They want to be treated like a family member – like a temporary grandmother – and be integrated into your family life.

Granny Aupair is a small adventure for all participants. This encounter carries the promise of many beautiful chances, to learn from each other. If you try to take our advice to heart then the Granny can become the heart of your family.

You can always contact us with queries. We will be happy to answer them!

Best regards

Your Granny Aupair-Team