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Granny Karin tells about her plans

"Further contacts for 2023 have been initiated"

Dear Mrs Hansen,

...I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I will be flying to Egypt from 11.08-26.08.2022 - the Egyptian family has invited me to their beach house. I will be in Cairo from October to speak German with the family's 5-year-old daughter - the girl is due to start school at the German school in Cairo in February 2023.
At the moment, the plan is for me to stay in Cairo until then (and learn Arabic if not too difficult ). A longer visa for this
period for Egypt is the next challenge.

Other plans: 3 months stay in USA (Conneticut) with a single mother of a 3 year old son.
After that: Visiting a sympathetic lady in the Eifel who is looking for a companion for health reasons.
Further contacts for 2023 have been initiated.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team once again for the great idea of this platform and its implementation - not least, you are making a valuable contribution to the understanding of different nations and cultures!

Kind regards from Forchheim,

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