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Volontariat au profit des séniors

Volontariat au profit des séniors


Vous êtes infirmière, médecin, enseignante, éducatrice, couturière ou vous voulez simplement mettre la main à la pâte là où on a le plus besoin d’aide ? Alors, notre volontariat au profit des séniors est ce qu’il vous faut! En vous engageant dans un de nos projets, vous apportez une aide directe, souvent dans un pays en développement.


Une sélection de nos projets


Cambodia: Support in an English language school for older children up to university

Cambodia: Support in an English language school for older children up to university

The volunteers assist the Cambodian English teacher and can introduce own project ideas into the lessons.

Requirements:Teachers, nursery school educators or social workers are very welcome, but also experienced housekeepers or ladies, who have experience in skilled craftmanships or have an education from the arts field.

Fitness for travel in the tropics

  • Knowledge of language: good English
  • Length of stay: at least three months

Interested? Please write to

Namibia: Care for the Elderly in a Retirement Home

Namibia: Care for the Elderly in a Retirement Home

At the moment around 65 people live in the retirement home. The residents are devided into three areas: In the first area you can find women and men who do not need any nursing. In the second area the senior citizens need help with personal body care and in the third area live residents, who need help in all aspects of their daily life.

Fields of application:

Mainly in the care area, but also in the organisation of recreationial activities


  • Experience in the handling of elderly, partly care-dependent people
  • Have a lot of perseverance and understanding in dealing with demented people
  • Geriatric caregivers and nurses are preferred

Length of stay:

  • Negotiable, preferably for a longer period. Please observe the entry and residence regulations.

Interested? Please write to:

India: Women aiding women!

India: Women aiding women!

In this project, which is run exclusively by women, women from difficult social circumstances receive training and coaching, while their children are properly supervised and get access to fundamental education.

  • Fields of application: teaching English, basic courses in mathematics, computer classes, conducting workshops in the fields of theater, art, crafts - own ideas may be introduced by the Granny Volunteers.
  • Begin: According to prior agreement.
  • Length of stay: From four weeks onwards. Please observe the entry and residence regulations.
  • Candidates welcome especially from the areas of education and social work and/or with craft skills, in particular in the field of textile manufacturing. Good English skills, capacity for teamwork and communication skills.

Interested? Please write to:

Ghana: Health Care and educational offers for children in need

Ghana: Health Care and educational offers for children in need

The Ghanaian partner organization places volunteer helpers in schools, hospitals as well as health and community centres in the Greater Accra region in the south east of the country.

Fields of application: Teaching various subjects at the partner schools. Assisting on the labour ward, with health care and advice. verschiedener Fächer an den Partnerschulen. Other placement possibilities on enquiry.

Begin: According to prior agreement.

Length of stay: From two weeks up to three months or longer. Please observe the entry and residence regulations.

Requirements: Good knowledge of English, friendly, open-minded and readiness to assimilate,

Interested? Please write to:

Kenya: Supporting socially disadvantaged young people

Kenya: Supporting socially disadvantaged young people

As nurse, dressmaker, gardener or elementary school teacher you support socially disadvantaged children and teenagers in a center. The center looks after the training of the children from the rural part of Kenya.

  • Begin: Year-round
  • Duration: At least six months, longer stay possible
  • Requirements: Practical know-how, very good knowledge of English, tolerance, solution-oriented thinking and acting
  • Interested? Write to: INFO@GRANNY-AUPAIR.COM


Tanzania: Manifold possibilities for voluntary work at a College

Tanzania: Manifold possibilities for voluntary work at a College

At the college in Morogoro/Tanzania around 90 students aged between 16 - 21 years are trying to make their way to an independent and fulfilled life. Meetings of women’s support-groups also take place in the college. Women are trained to become aware of their own abilities and to make meaningful use of these. We are looking for women with work experience from social, commercial and medical fields, e.g. teachers, social workers, physicians, nurses, IT-Experts, business-people and specialists for nutrition.

  • Field of activities: Practical instructions within the professional education of the students, working at the day-care-center, skill-training for people aiming to become self-employed, organization and realizing of discussion-groups, imparting of basic business knowledge, advice and training for health, first aid and family planning.
  • Start: As soon as possible
  • Duration: From 6 months to 2 years
  • Board and lodging: At your expense
  • Requirements: Practical knowledge, good command of English, tolerance, problem-solving ability
  • Interested? Write to: INFO@GRANNY-AUPAIR.COM


Dominican Republic:  Shape the present and future of children in institutions

Dominican Republic: Shape the present and future of children in institutions

  • Volunteer work in a home for 60 children
  • Playing, leisure activities, tending to the children’s personal needs, help with homework
  • Availability: all year round
  • Minimum length-of-stay: 3 months
  • Requirements: good command of Spanish
  • Interested? Please email us at INFO@GRANNY-AUPAIR.COM