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Granny Katharina sends Greetings from Scotland

"... I made the right decision."

Dear Granny Aupair-Team

I have been in Scotland since 13th July 2016 in Stirling with the S. family. I feel very well and have been accepted and integrated into the family wonderfully. Sarah is German and married to Tim, an Englishman which makes everything a bit easier. The children, 5 years and 19 months old are totally sweet. We do a lot together and I can to on bicycle rides here and join in a lot with the family. I visit a step Aerobic  course and will go to school 3 times a week as from August. I was chosen among 6 different applicants and had 7 contact requests, but I have made the right decision. I am staying here until mid October and can only recommend this to every woman to dare to look out into the world. My sportyness is helping me here, as the day is pretty full.

So many thanks for your platform and the very best wishes from Scotland

Your Katharina