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Granny Liselotte about her stay in Freiburg

" I had a wonderful time"

Dear Mrs Hansen and Team,

my stay as a Granny at the S. family in Freiburg is finished but we will keep in touch. This actually says everything, I had a wonderful time. The family (including extended family Granny and Grandpa) welcomed me very warmly and really appreciated my work.

 I thoroughly enjoyed my days with little Raphaelle, who was my main charge. 

She will be one next month and I experienced the time of crawling and standing with her. Such a young life is such a benefit.

In addition I could explore the beautiful town of Freiburg, be it with Raphaelle in her pushchair or at the weekends on joint trips or on walks in the evening.

I could also refresh my knowledge of French.

Thanks to your offer I am now enriched by many experiences.

Best wishes
