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Newsletter Grannies - Helping in Dream Destinations

Newsletter Grannies - Helping in Dream Destinations

Newsletter Grannies - Helping in Dream Destinations

Dear Ladies,

Beautiful journeys are very high on the wish list of the older target group, according to a summary of the International Tourism Fair ITB, which was recently held in Berlin. Many over fifty-year-olds are so fit they also have the confidence to travel to more exotic destinations. But not only pure travel, also combining this with a meaningful task, is increasingly important to the "older generation" and giving voluntary help abroad is additionally becoming more and more popular with younger ladies, planning a sabbatical or a time-out.

With your commitment in a project you can help directly and very specifically. In Africa, South America and Asia you put your knowledge into practice in a total of 18 social projects cooperating with Granny Aupair.

Whether you are a teacher, nursery educator, nurse, geriatric nurse, or have another profession: helping hands are needed everywhere. Today we introduce you to two projects, a new one from Cambodia and one from Namibia where you can help with advice and deeds. For more information, please visit www.granny-aupair.com

Best wishes from your 

Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair-Team


Cambodia: Support in an English School

In this project the volunteers assist the Cambodian English teacher and can introduce own project ideas into the lessons. The length of stay should be at least three months, possible as from November 2017. Teachers, educators or social workers are very welcome but also experienced housekeepers or ladies, who have experience in skilled craftsmanship or arts. Good knowledge of English and fitness for travel in the tropics are also preferred. 

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Namibia: Care for the elderly in a retirement home

In this project you have the opportunity to help in the care department but also in the organisation of recreational activities. The retirement home has 64 residents, who need different levels of care from hardly any to help in all aspects of life. The length of stay is negotiable, preferably for a longer time. Geriatric caregivers and nurses are preferred, generally experience with handling of elderly, partly care-dependent people is required.   

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Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h
