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Newsletter - Season’s Greetings from Granny Aupair

Newsletter - Season’s Greetings from Granny Aupair

Newsletter - Season’s Greetings from Granny Aupair

Dear Families, dear Grannies,

The festive season is approaching very rapidly: Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Merry Christmas, God Jul, Feliz Navidad!

Christmas is celebrated around the globe, but in lots of different ways. Our Grannies also experience this when they stay with families in faraway countries - and the families are pleasantly surprised when the Grannies bring their customs from home with them. In any case, a celebration with new ideas and customs is even a bit more exciting than usual!

In Germany, we always hope for a white Christmas and unwrap the packages under the Christmas tree on December 24th after having a special meal together. In Sweden presents are also opened on the 24th, but the celebrations are much more extensive: they begin with the first Advent, experience a temporary climax on the 13th of December with Saint Lucia's Day and do not end until the 13th of January.

In England and America, children have to wait a little longer: They do not receive their presents on Christmas Eve, but find them on the morning of the 25th under the tree and also in specially hung gift stockings - on the night of the 24th to the 25th, Father Christmas climbs down the chimney and brings the presents. In both countries the families also eat festive meals and celebrate together.

The Spanish children have to be especially patient: They don't get their presents until 6th January, the day of the Three Wise Men. On the other hand, the whole country is celebrating in a completely different way just before Christmas: In the largest lottery in the world, the winner of "El Gordo" ("the fat one") is drawn in the Christmas lottery - a total of several billion euros is distributed in this lottery every year.

With Granny Aupair you can experience many moments of happiness all year round!

In the last almost 14 years, several thousand Grannies have travelled to over 50 countries and supported families from all over the world. This has resulted in countless contacts and friendships that no amount of money in the world can match. This makes me and my team very happy!

The community idea is paramount to us. That means it's primarily about getting in touch with families and Grannies and exchanging ideas. When you actually travel is another matter, so to speak. You can also arrange for a placement for later - for next year or leave the date of arrival open for now.

Many families and Grannies are searching for their ideal Granny or family - also for a later time next year. So feel free to take a look! Maybe you can already find the right one for you? 

Wherever you are celebrating Christmas and the holiday season: We wish you a wonderful Christmas season and all the best for 2024! Enjoy the holidays, relax and perhaps already look forward to your Granny or Granny Aupair stay.

Best wishes from

Your Michaela Hansen & Team


"During the first conversation I already realised that this is my family"Granny Sigrid tells about her stay in Atlanta

Dear Granny-Aupair Team,

Since last Thursday I am back home from a Granny placement. In the middle/end of July this year, another newsletter from Granny-Au-pair fluttered into my inbox with the headline: Family in Atlanta is waiting for you! It was like a call I couldn't resist. I went to the Granny-Aupair site and registered without further ado and created my profile.

A day or two later I wrote to the family in Atlanta and got a lovely reply straight away. We arranged a phone call and a video call about 3 days later and already during the conversation it was clear to me that this is my family. The family also didn't hesitate for long to tell me that they had chosen me.
A few more phone calls and emails followed to discuss a couple of formalities, such as
- who pays for the flight
- who pays the insurance
- do I have liability insurance
- Covid vaccinations
- references

and a few more questions that wanted to be clarified. I booked the flight and was even allowed to book a very good one! I booked my flight and was even allowed to book a very good! class, organised my ESTA visa and took out health insurance for 3 months in the USA. Five weeks later I landed in Atlanta with a lovely young family with a 1 -year-old child and I felt at home from the first moment.

The baby accepted me the very next day and on the 2nd day it was as if I had always been there. I am someone who doesn't hesitate, but just does, doesn't think long about something, but reacts.

The family lives in the African-American neighbourhood, in the south of Atlanta, and I was the only white person in a large radius, the only white person in the shopping centre, on the bus and very often on the train that took me downtown. Yes, being part of a minority for once really sharpens one's tolerance! In all that time, I always felt safe outside and only met nice, polite people.

The time passed far too quickly and I had to get back on the plane to Germany all too soon with a very tearful farewell on all sides.

I am already looking forward to Christmas when "my family" comes to Germany to visit me. Will I go back to another family as a Granny? YES!!! I have some enquiries and am leaning towards Switzerland.... Let's see...

Thank you dear Granny team for this opportunity!
Yours Sigrid



From 27th to 29th December we are taking a short break

Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140

Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h
