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Newsletter Grannies - Helping Hands for Africa needed

Newsletter Grannies - Helping Hands for Africa needed

Newsletter Grannies - Helping Hands for Africa needed

Dear Ladies,

At Christmastime our thoughts often turn to those who urgently need our help. Maybe you’ve always toyed with the idea of giving a helping hand where support is really needed?

With your commitment in a project you can help directly and tangibly.
On three different continents, Africa, South America and Asia you can put your skills into practice immediately in one of altogether 17 social projects. Be it helping elderly people in retirement homes in South Africa or Namibia, assisting nursery school teachers in Namibia or Bolivia, easing the way to an autonomous life for Indian women or even caring for street dogs in Nepal – there is something for every inclination.

Below we introduce you to two of our projects in Africa where you can help in word and deeds in the near future. More volunteer projects can be found at or send us an email at

Best wishes from
Michaela Hansen and your Granny Aupair Team



Namibia: Helping in a kindergarten as from February 2017

In this project you have the opportunity to help the nursery school teachers, for instance by reading stories, playing language- and learning games, crafting as well as preparing breakfast with the children.  The length of stay is three months, a longer stay is sometimes possible.  Currently a volunteer as from February 2017 is needed. Applicants are preferred who already have had experience in the childcare or teaching field. Very good knowledge of English is prerequisite as is the willingness to engage with children.
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Kenya: Looking for help in the project administration

The center looks after the training of socially disadvantaged children and teenagers from the rural part of Kenya. Currently the project is looking for volunteers in the administration, either in the field of business development, administration management or accountant/financial management. The length of stay is from six months, preferably longer. Requirements: Practical know-how, very good knowledge of English, tolerance, solution-oriented thinking and acting.

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Any questions? Just call us: 0049(0)40 87976140
Mo., Wed. + Fr. 10:00 - 14:00 h | Tue. + Thur. 14:00 - 18:00 h